Story Ideas That Sell Workbook: Brainstorm Book Ideas That Agents & Readers Will Love 

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you want to write a novel that agents and readers will love, but how do you know if your idea is story-worthy? 

Many aspiring authors start writing with only pieces of an idea—a vampire coming to town, a character learning they can do magic, someone witnessing a crime—and then they run out of steam as they outline and write. Why is that?  

Well, the truth is, none of these ideas are strong enough to support a full-length novel on their own. They still need to be developed and blended with other elements before they're story-worthy. 

So, although you might be really excited about writing a story about someone witnessing a crime, or about a main character that’s a vampire, or about someone learning they can do magic, you probably won't get very far with your writing until you develop this piece of an idea a bit further.

That's where the Story Ideas That Sell workbook comes in.

Grab a copy of the Story Ideas That Sell Workbook to learn my favorite ways to find inspiration, choose the idea you want to focus on, develop a compelling hook for that idea, and so much more!

Grab this 25-page fillable (or printable) workbook to:

Work through FIVE exercises that'll help you get inspired and find new ideas

Mine your favorite books, movies, and TV shows for inspiration (without plagiarizing) 

Narrow your options and choose the ONE IDEA you want to turn into a novel 

Turn your idea into a compelling premise with a hook that agents and readers will love

All yours for just $27
  • Total payment
  • 1xStory Ideas That Sell (Workbook)$27

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